Health services provided in 2015 within our project:
- 205 patients treated in Neonatology, including 68 admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and 114 prematures;
- Only one case referred to other hospitals (significant decrease compared to the monthly average before the project implementation);
- 655 patients investigated in the Obstetrics-Gynaecology Clinic: all with ultrasound examination, 344 monitored, 19 colposcopies;
- 630 tests of antithrombin, C protein, Factor V Leyden, S protein, screening and confirmation tests for anticoagulant lupus factor;
- 630 homocysteine tests;
- 20 genetic screening tests;
- 500 TORC tests;
- 11 markers tested on average per patient using flow cytometry;
- 2 user training programs for the ultrasound system and the automated nucleic acid extraction system.
Completed rooms renovation;
One press conference and one kick-off meeting organised;
Web site and social media accounts on-line;
80% of equipments and cosumable materials acquired.